Heeeeeello! I have nothing to do, so I decided to update my blog although I have nothing special to blog about. Haha!
OK, I'm gonna say "Bye" to my precious holiday and say "Hi" to 2nd year of my college life. Sigh, b-o-o-k-s again! And this semester is all about calculations, so let's hope my brain won't BOOM! =((
So what I've done during this holiday? Let's see the picture below then you will have a clue. *Winks*
Hehe. Yeah, I'm watching The Vampire Diaries from its first season till third season. No doubt, TVD is a really nice drama television series and I'm addicted to it! TVD is the story of two vampire brothers obsessed with the same beautiful girl, and battling to control the fate of an entire town.
Stefan, Elena and Damon
I like this picture!
Personally, I prefer Damon than Stefan. Maybe it is because bad guy can attract me more than the good guy in reality. Therefore, if Damon is Elena's final choice, I'll clap, clap and clap!!! Haha. Well, for those who haven't watch TVD, I suggest you to spend some time on watching it. I'm sure you won't regret. =D
Have you heard of wisdom tooth? I was suffering because of it last two weeks. I am so relieved now as the pain is finally gone! Pheww~ It should be called as Trolling Tooth, instead of Wisdom Tooth. Know why?
This picture explains it. >.<
Time for bed now. Nighty night~ ^^